Asperger's Syndrome Characters And Characteristics

October 26, 2017
People with Aspergers Syndrome are on occasion described, as having social skills deficits, reluctance to listen, hassle understanding social give and take, and other core traits, is sometimes fairly misunderstood and/or misdiagnosed in our state in recent times. First recognized by Hans Asperger in 1944, who recognized that the patterns of behaviors and traits were pretty much noticed contained in the parents in addition, most very much contained in the fathers, and he very perceptively noted, that the state of affairs become probably owing to genetic or neurological, in neighborhood of psychological or environmental components, (Attwood, 2006, p. 2). Psychologists, physicians, educators, and parents remain broadly uneducated and uninformed involving high functioning autism and Aspergers Syndrome, particularly in girls and girls, and the consumer is sometimes misdiagnosed (Fattig, 2007). Aspergers syndrome has probably been a mandatory and valuable characteristic of our species all through evolution, (Attwood, 2006, p. 2).

The hassle in understanding and acknowledging autism, chiefly high functioning autism or Aspergers Syndrome, by the medical, psychological, and psychiatric community, can lead to misdiagnosis and even failure to supply the services necessary for students (Autism Today, 2007). Applying these traits to noted or historic figures, may additionally permit a larger understanding of the significant positive affect high caliber Aspergers ancestors have left at the back of towards an enlightened and improved society and international.


Albert Einstein provided the idea of relativity and become awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for the work he did with photoelectric outcomes. Characteristics, which may additionally imply that Einstein become a fellow Aspie: Einstein might now not talk fluently at the age of nine (Botham, 2006, p. 16), language delays are installed in teenagers with high functioning autism. His parents suspected that he might truthfully be mentally retarded (Botham, 2006, p. 16). Often, teenagers with Autism are categorised Mentally Retarded or Behaviorally Disordered. At the ceremony of induction as an American, Einstein attended without socks (Botham, 2006, p. 16). Children and adults with autism and Aspergers Syndrome pretty much have peculiar habits, extreme sensitivity to textures (Attwood, 2006, p. 3), and are on occasion rated high on scales measuring atypicality, demonstrating normal behaviors, and apparently lost in their own little international (Fattig, 2007). Frequently, teenagers with Aspergers combat with locating socks that feel right or with a line at the toe that doesnt now not bother them.

Isaac Newton dropped out of faculty as a teenager (Botham, 2006, p. 15). A consumer with Aspergers may additionally now not be capable of accept restrictions at faculty contained in the match that they appear illogical, pursuing a aspect or argument as a topic of principle, which may end up in a big clash with teachers and faculty authorities, (Attwood, 2006, p. eleven).

Benjamin Franklin become regarded to be among the largest of the founding fathers of our state. He become a theorist, creator, politician, scientist, activist, and diplomat. His scientific contributions reliable physics, discovery of electrical strength, and theories involving electrical strength (Wikipedia, 2007). He become also the first head of the post office. Indicating the potential need for rigid rule and order, with sorting tendencies. Benjamin Franklins peers didn't give him the assignment of writing the Declaration of Independence because they feared that he would conceal a joke in it, (Botham, 2006, pp. 17-18). Aspies are notorious for an extreme or diverse sense of humor.


Napoleon Bonaparte become reportedly afraid of cats, favored mathematicians or physical scientists, and tended to exclude humanists from his inner circle. He believed humanists were troublemakers. He also required his servants to put on his boots, breaking them in for him, before he would put on them (Botham, 2006, p. 17). Napoleon may additionally have exhibited a social deficit, leaning towards others with similar intellectual and personality traits. He may additionally have been preoccupied with perseverative or unfounded fears, with a hypersensitivity to textures on his toes or consumer.

George Washington, the first president of the usa of America. Aspie signs: George grew marijuana in his own lawn (Botham, 2006, p. 2). Many adults with undiagnosed or misdiagnosed Aspergers Syndrome or Attention Deficit Disorder, self medicate so one can soothe their restless brains and our bodies, (Richardson, 1998, p. 1). He become incredibly frightened of being buried alive, as a consequence, he dictated that he be laid out for three days just to make certain he become dead, (Botham, 2006, p. 2). Perseverative fears and bizarre adherence to apparently ineffectual restrictions or rituals are installed in of us with Aspergers Syndrome and autism. People on the Aspie crew, perceive or think involving the international differently than others (Attwood, 2006, p. 2). George reportedly had to borrow money, so one can attend his own inauguration ceremonies (Botham, 2006, p. 2). Difficulties with money management, pack rack tendencies, and/or impulsively giving possessions away are installed traits contained in the Aspie race (Fattig, 2007).

John Quincy Adams, also a president of the state, owned and kept a pet alligator contained in the East Room of the White House (Botham, 2006, p. 3). Again, atypicality is a installed thread for our of us (Fattig, 2007). He reportedly took his closing skinny dip contained in the Potomac on his seventy-9th birthday, (Botham, 2006, p. 3). No further remark necessary.

Andrew Jackson maintained the believe that the international become flat (Botham, 2006, p. 3), indicating rigid concrete excited about, without the capacity to work out anothers perspective (Attwood, 2006, p. 2). May be he, too, become on our crew?

Andrew Johnson taught himself tailoring, and made his own clothes and clothes for those in his cabinet (Botham, 2006, p. 3). Tailoring may additionally have been a means of self-medicating the gut wrenching feelings that accompany ADHD, (Richardson, 1998) and Aspergers Syndrome. Often, of us with Aspergers, like of us with true ADHD, feel anxious or fidgety inside and cope by means of leg bouncing, gum chewing, crafting, knitting, steepling their arms, knuckle popping and other behaviors (Garnett & Attwood, 1995).

Abraham Lincoln had a anxious breakdown, and before his election to the presidency in 1860, he lost eight other elections (Botham, 2006, p. 4). Aspergers is sometimes first misdiagnosed as depression, nervousness, bipolar, or a breakdown and running forever for office may additionally be indicative of perseveration, ritualistic need for routine even when it doesnt seem to be working, and rigidity (Fattig, 2007). Also, Lincolns mother reportedly died after drinking milk from the enjoyed ones cow, after it ate poisonous mushrooms (Botham, 2006, p. 4). Not an indication or characteristic of Aspergers, but weird nonetheless.

James Garfield become able to put in writing in Latin with one hand, and in Greek with the other handat an identical time (Botham, 2006, p. 4). Evidence of savant skills?

After being shot, Teddy Roosevelt refused to accept medical assist, unless after completing a speech he become delivering (Botham, 2006, p. 4). Rigidity of rule and routine, with a dash of obsessive-compulsive behaviors? He also wrote 37 books (Botham, 2006, p. 4). Repetitive, stereotypical behaviors with perseverative tendencies maybe?

William Taft received stuck in his bathtub on the day of his Inauguration, and necessary to be pried out by his attendants, (Botham, 2006, p. 5). Eating disorders are on occasion a part of Aspergers Syndrome and autism. Hyper reactivity to gustatory, olfactory, or textural can lead to underneath eating, refusal to eat all but just one or two foods, or malnourishment. Hypo reactivity to gustatory or vestibular, can lead to bored eating, compensatory eating, convenience eating, and obesity. Unfortunately, specialists in addition as in contact members of the enjoyed ones and friends mistakenly blame parents of youngsters with autism spectrum disorders for their childs poor eating habits. Sometimes parents considerations are ignored and they might be told now not to worry since most teenagers pass by means of stages of picky eating and food fads, (Wheeler, 2004, p. 1).

Harry Trumans middle identify remained just an S, because his parents might now not judge between two diverse names beginning with S, (Botham, 2006, p. 6). Although now not technically associating traits to Harry himself, parents of youngsters with Aspergers steadily exhibit traits in addition. The core traits of Aspergers Syndrome come with restrained or restricted social awareness and understanding; hassle or inability to maintain reciprocity or give and take conversationally; and intense or restricted pastime in a subject (Attwood, 2006, p. 2).

Royalty with Aspergers Characteristics

Louis IV, who become the kind of France, reportedly had a abdomen that become twice the dimensions of a herbal abdomen, and he only bathed one time a year (Botham, 2006, p. 10). Hygiene considerations and failure to recognize or get dressed in trendy fashions will also be notoriously difficult for of us with Aspergers, especially those with incredibly high IQs and a hyper reactive olfactory response. Soaps and perfumes will also be overwhelming to their olfactory system.

Catherine the Great cozy by being tickled, (Botham, 2006, p. 10) which  be would becould very properly be owing to the the characteristic sensation finding out for of mild to moderate touch, of those Apies with Hypo reactivity to touch or proprioceptive feedback.

Reportedly, Cleopatra and other feminine Egyptian rulers wore a faux beard (Botham, 2006, p. eleven). In our brains, neurons are the transmitters for perception, concepts, feelings, and emotions. Research has demonstrated broad neurological effects hormones may have on females all through the diverse stages of life and maturation (Brizendine, 2006, p. 3). Females are regarded to be superior in empathy skills and males are historically discovered to be superior systemizers. If a lady with autism is more sensible at systemizing, with extreme awareness to aspect, and less compelled to illustrate sometimes feminine traits in relationships (e.g., valuing altruistic, reciprocal relationships, cooperative engagement, strong friendship bonds, nurturing, and smoothing or resisting clash); but instead favors task specific situations, aggression, solitary situations, or other male characteristic behaviors, (Baron-Cohen, 2002, p. 2), she may additionally prolong into ostracized, envied, or socially remoted. This emotional maleness may additionally lead to relational conflicts and a lack of intimate relationships, gender confusion, desirous to get dressed like the reverse sex, or prolong into the reverse sex.

Peter the Great reportedly killed his wifes lover, after which forced her to maintain her fanatics head in a jar of alcohol in her bedroom, (Botham, 2006, p. eleven). Excessive and unpredictable moods, irrational outbursts, or tantrums are now not uncommon in of us on the spectrum.

Wilhem II reportedly had a withered arm, that he pretty much hid by posing with it resting on a sword or holding a glove (Botham, 2006, p. eleven). People with Aspergers prolong into masters of protecting our adjustments.

Alexander the Great experienced seizure disorder (Botham, 2006, p. eleven). Seizure disorder is current in a percentage of of us with autism.


Leonardo da Vinci took twelve years to color the Mona Lisa lips, and might write with one hand while drawing with the other (Botham, 2006, p. 13). Perfectionistic tendencies, with moderate cross over discrimination deficits, and savant skills?

Vincent van Gogh devoted suicide (Botham, 2006, p. 14). Depression on occasion accompanies of us with Aspergers and in extreme instances can lead to concepts, talk of, or suicide attempts (Attwood, 2006, p. 15).


Beethoven become such a poor music student, that his music teachers made a decision he become hopeless as a composer and each one time he sat to put in writing music, he reportedly poured ice water over his head, (Botham, 2006, p. 30), indicating the potential inability to exhibit what he might do and a prospective preoccupation of sensory experiences (Attwood, 2006, p. 4), or need for unproductive idiosyncratic routine.

Elvis become a notorious over eater, failed his music elegance at faculty, underneath no circumstances ever gave an encore, and had ten distinctly diverse medication in his body when he died (Botham, 2006, p. 34). He may additionally have been compulsive with food/sensory perseverations, faculty failures, rigid need for routine and handle, and self-medicating?


Jeremy Bentham left his property to a London Hospital, so long as they allowed his body to continue to preside over board meetings. His skeleton become clothed and outfitted with a wax mask of his face. It become current at the meeting for 90-two years and can nonetheless be seen there, (Botham, 2006, p. 15). People with Aspergers can maintain shiny or problematic imaginary worlds, pretty much with imaginary friends (Attwood, 2006, p. 15).

Socrates devoted suicide (Botham, 2006, p. 16), indicating prospective depression stemming from difficulties with understanding social conventions, a construction of compensatory concepts and attitudes for feeling alienated, socially remoted and underneath no circumstances understood, (Attwood, 2006, p. 14). The suicide price in of us with Aspergers is larger than that of the neurotypical population.


Henry Ford reportedly believed history to be bunk, and he firmly believed in reincarnation (Botham, 2006, p. 18). Concrete thinker without the capacity to comprehend or tolerate yet another perspective, rigid believe system?

Bill Gates has long been suspected of demonstrated Aspie traits, and in which would we be without his contributions? His first commercial, Traff-O-Data, in contact the creation of a machine recording the quantity of automobiles passing a aspect on a road (Botham, 2006, p. 18).


Robin Williams become voted least most likely to prevail in high faculty (Botham, 2006, p. 27). People with Aspergers are noted to have an unusual prosody affecting tone, rhythm, pitch, and speed of speech. And egocentric preoccupation dominates their concepts, and they pretty much need more assist in self-assist skills and association (Attwood, 2006, p. 3). Kindergarten by means of 12th grade is especially difficult for our crew, and we pretty much cannot exhibit who we are or what we can do, unless post high faculty education.

Tom Hanks is reportedly related to Abraham Lincoln (Botham, 2006, p. 22), and genetic ties are strong in our of us (see above involving Abe Lincoln).

Marilyn Monroe had a history of emotional instability, depression, and suicide.

Clark Gable used to take greater than four showers an afternoon (Botham, 2006, p. 26), indicating prospective obsessive-compulsive traits, frequent contained in the Aspie population.

Every episode of Seinfeld ideas a Superman reference somewhere, (Botham, 2006, p. forty). I will say no more.


Author, Virginia Woolf, would only write her books when standing (Botham, 2006, p. fifty nine), and he or she suffered from depression, social isolation, and eccentricities.

Shakespeare reportedly spelled his own identify in a couple of diverse approaches (Botham, 2006, p. 60). Hans Christian Anderson become phrase blind and he underneath no circumstances discovered to spell accurately (Botham, 2006, p. 61). Written language difficulties pretty much accompany Aspergers Syndrome and ADD/ADHD.

Goethe reportedly hated the sound of barking dogs (Botham, 2006, p. 60), which might imply hyperactivity to sound or noises; and he might only write if he had an apple rotting contained in the desk drawer, (Botham, 2006, p. 60).

Isaac Asimov has a book reliable in each one Dewey decimal classification (Botham, 2006, p. 61), which might imply compulsivity or perseverative need for handle or ritual.

The novel, Gatsby, written by Ernest Vincent Wright, has a phrase count quantity of 50 thousand with no phrase containing the letter e (Botham, 2006, p. 60). Phobic?

Charles Dickinson dropped out of faculty and suffered from insomnia. He believed that if his bed become facing north, and he become contained in the middle, he might be capable of sleep (Botham, 2006, p. 61). Difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, nightmares or night terrors, is installed in of us with Aspergers. Creating normal rituals and exercises as a coping mechanism is also frequent in our of us.

Without Aspergers, Where would we be?

Many teenagers, who are diagnosed at a fully young age with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), may additionally literally have Aspergers Syndrome (Brunett & Williams, 2005). Aspergers Syndrome is sometimes characterized by average to above average intelligence, poor social verbal exchange, poor social skills, lack of eye contact, rigid need for restrictions and routine, nervousness and/or depression, pedantic speech, sensory processing hassle, and perseverative thought processes. Persons with high functioning autism or Aspergers by and large are prepared to rely closely on rigid internal restrictions and combat with the unwritten social restrictions of social interaction. Failure accompanies a student with AS, like a shut better half, and we may additionally need much reassurance all through stressful periods. A psychologist, and friend, stated, You  remind them that for every criticism, it's going to take upwards of a whole lot of complimentary comments to undo the extreme embarrassment or humiliation, (Caton, 2007).


Attwood, T. (2006). The Complete Guide to Aspergers Syndrome. Retrieved December

12, 2007, from:

Autism Today (2007). What factors Autism? Retrieved October 22, 2007, from:

Baron-Cohen, S. (2002). The extreme male brain thought of autism. Trends in Cognitive

Science, 6 (6).

Botham, N. (2006). The Book of Useless Information. New York, New York: Penguin Group.

Brunett, R. & Williams, W. (2005). Aspergers syndrome: The invisible autism.

Retrieved October 22, 2007, from: autism.php

Caton, J. (2007) Personal Communication.

Fattig, M. (2007). I have Aspergers yes I do. I have Aspergers how bout you?

7th Book of the Annie Books Series: Experience Aspergers and Attention Deficits

Through the Eyes of a Child. Genoa, NE: Flower by the Water Publishing.

Fattig, M. (2007). Of the, So I have said, so it shall be litany, professional construction seminar assortment. Living and Parenting with Aspergers and ADD.

Fattig, M. (2007). Women and Girls Women and Girls on the Spectrum: Autism, High Functioning Autism, and Aspergers Syndrome The Underserved and Unrecognized Population. White paper submitted to the Journal of Austism and Develomental Delay December 27, 2007.

Garnett & Attwood, T. (1995). Adult version: Australian Scale for Asperger Syndrome.

Modified and Copyright: Roger N. Meyer (2000). Retrieved December 25, 2007,

from: austrailian_scale_for_as.htm

Richardson, W. (1998). ADHD, Alcoholism and Other Addictions. Retrieved November

13, 2007 from:


Wheeler, M. (2004). Mealtime and teenagers on the autism spectrum: Beyond picky, fussy, and fads. The Reporter, 9(2), 13-19. Retrieved December 28, 2007 from:

Wikipedia (2007). Benjamin Franklin. Retrieved December 28, 2007 from: http://en.

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